The Weekly Sedition

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Alternatives to Facebook and Twitter

Filed under: Networking, Organizing, Technology — Tags: , , — mikewb1971 @ 12:58 AM

Tom Souther
Monday, April 20, 2020 at 8:03 PM!

The WrapFacebook Will Remove Content Organizing Protests Against Stay-at-Home Orders, Zuckerberg Says by Sean Burch

Consider Diaspora*, Flote, Friendica, Gab, Liberty.Me, MeWe, Minds, Pocketnet, or Spreely as possible alernatives to Facebook and Twitter.

Diaspora* doesn’t have pages or groups, and it helps if you can read German, French and Spanish, but there is some interesting stuff there.

Friendica is similar to Diaspora, along with the posts in Russian and Japanese.

Gab is a less-censored version of Twitter.

MeWe lets you create groups at no charge, but charges you per month for pages. Also, they don’t let you share links for anything there (including your own stuff) outside of MeWe.

On top of this, Facebook won’t let you post links to any content on Minds, hence the above URL.

Spreely offers the same sort of stuff as Facebook (pages, groups, video channels), but doesn’t seem to do the same sort of arbitrary lefty-biased shadow-banning that we’ve seen on Facebook.

Thus, I’m slowly duplicating my Facebook pages and groups on Spreely, in advance of a mass migration.

Also, while Facebook will allow you to post links to Spreely, the FB system labels it as “403 Forbidden.”

YouMe seems to be a new outfit. Like MeWe, they don’t seem to let you share links of what you post outside their system.

Copyright © 2020 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.
Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
This blog entry created with Notepadqq and Notepad++.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Fooling Google and Facebook a Bit

Filed under: Humor, Self-Defense, Technology — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — mikewb1971 @ 7:24 PM

After installing Linux Mint 17.2 on my Asus K54L laptop, I logged into Google, and got the following alert message at my Gmail account:


Then I logged into Facebook, and received this alert message:


Here’s the funny thing — I logged into both accounts using Mozilla Firefox.

So why am I getting messages saying that I used Safari on Mac OS X?

For the record, I haven’t touched anything Apple or Mac since April, 1994, when I had to use a Leatherman multi-tool to pull my floppy disk out of the drive slot when the “Eject” command (⌘-E) didn’t work after repeated tries.

After installing Linux Mint on the laptop, I launched Firefox, and installed the following add-ons to Firefox —

The costs of this?

  1. Linux Mint 17.216.99 + tax (It was on the live DVD glued to the front cover of Linux Format magazine – part of the price tag is for the DVD. Another part of the price tag is that it’s printed in the UK and shipped across the Atlantic every month.)
  2. A few minutes of time, a few watts of electricity to spin that live DVD in the drive.
  3. A few mouse clicks here and there . . .

. . . and to paraphrase the MasterCard advertising copy, the upside — giving a virtual single-digit salute to two of the biggest privacy invaders on the planet — PRICELESS.


  1. Bananas! at by David Montgomery — You’re a Criminal in a Mass Surveillance World – How to Not Get Caught


  1. Approximate reading level – 9.4

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Produced by KCUF Media, a division of Extropy Enterprises.
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