The Weekly Sedition

Monday, 21 March 2011

“KKKOB” — Eric Griego is Just the Latest

Filed under: Comedy, Entertainment, Politics — Tags: , , — mikewb1971 @ 1:50 AM

Current mood: amused

Recently, I had heard about one of our intrepid legislators referring to local radio station 770 KKOB-AM as “KKKOB.” Here’s the article in the Albuquerque Journal and the associated video clip.

Anyway, I ran a Google search on “KKKOB” NM, and learned that this gaffe from Eric the Red is merely the latest in a string of such comments, some of which go back years.

Here’s the earliest such that I found on the internet:

Talk radio could play a key public role, if . . .(Insight and Opinion)
The Albuquerque Tribune (Albuquerque, NM)
July 04, 1998

Byline: Kate Nelson

I could call it KKKOB-AM.

I could tell you to listen to a different radio station.

I could recommend that fair-minded business owners yank their ads off its schedule.

But I won’t.

I’m not a speck shy about saying this: I regularly turn my tuner to 770 on the AM dial – not because Larry Ahrens is the always-on-target observer of the political scene and not because Chris Jackson is such an uplifting fellow.

Rather, I listen because I enjoy hearing what “people on the street” are thinking. I like getting regular updates of local and national news. I need the traffic reports to help me cope with my . . .

There’s these comments posted on NMFBIHOP – 19 December 2007, 3 March 2008 and 23 July 2008.

Over at Democracy in New Mexico3 March 2008 and 13 May 2010.

“eideard” posted on Kate Nash’s Green Chile Chatter on 28 July 2010.

“justaUNMstudent” posted a comment at N.M. Politics30 April 2010.

At DailyKos – 7 October 2009.

At – 7 April 2009.

The SWOP blog – 1 July 2008.

At Walled-In Pond: 19 December 2007.

It isn’t limited to political discussions, either: here’s a link to a posting at The Lobo Lair24 December 2010

And it’s not just 770-AM that’s received the “KKKOB” nickname – it was applied to KOB-TV on 29 December 2006.


  1. Reposted –
    1. Personal blog
    2. KCUF Media
    3. Tyranny Response Team of New Mexico
    4. Darth Mike
    5. New Mexico Liberty / Patriot Action Network /

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